• AluminaMesh Honeycomb Acrylic Pen Blanks 1" x 1" x 5"

    $12.99 $9.99

    AluminaMesh Honeycomb Acrylic Pen Blanks are a full one inch square and5 inches long and come in 8 amazing colors for maximum collaboration with your designs. Works like acrylic and finishes like acrylic.  I use a CA finish on my pens since they are wood and acrylic.


    Blue Translucent

    Blue Opaque

    Green Translucent

    Green Opaque

    Red Translucent

    Red Opaque

    Black Translucent

    Black Opaque

    Opaque is less likely to see the brass on thin pen designs while translucent seems to have a greater variety of a given color spectrum depending on the depth of the acrylic to the AluminaMesh interiaor